Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Brief History Of Mosaics:

1. What materials can be used to make a mosaic?

Tiles, cardboard, glass, plastic, stone, pebbles, gold, silver, metals, etc…

2. What types of buildings were decorated using mosaic

The House of Faun, Villa Harvey Mandel building, Sant'Apollinare Nuovo

3. Who were the first people create mosaics?

The chinese where the first people to create mosaics.
4. What other nationalities were among the first to use mosaics?

The Greek, Romans, Sumerians, Americans and many more.

5. Roman mosaics are very famous. What type of scenes were depicted in their mosaics?

There where many geometric borders, war depictions, stories and their antics, and scenes from everyday life.

6. The following is a list of materials used throughout the centuries to make mosaics. Arrange the materials in order from those used in the earliest mosaics up to those materials used in modern day mosaics.

Stone, Pebble, Gold, Tile and Glass